Is your skimmer starving your corals? Traditional liquid coral foods can be removed from your tank by protein skimming.
Why add something only to have it taken out by your filtration system? Corals actively consume amino acids and other nutrients from their environment. Thus, they benefit from supplementation in the reef aquarium.
How can you feed your corals without wasting most of the product in your skimmer?� Simple, use HyperCoral GC. HyperCoral GC is a new, unique, and revolutionary reef nourishment product, complete with essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in the precise concentrations found on coral reefs. Use HyperCoral GC as a daily food for your SPS corals. It offers a complete nutrition management system for your reef tank. If your reef system features LPS corals and/or non-zooxanthellate gorgonians that require large amounts of protein, simply combine HyperCoral GC with living or freeze-dried plankton to provide the extra protein these species demand.
Scientifically formulated from pure amino acids, HyperCoral GC � Is readily assimilated by corals � Will not stimulate cyanobacterial outbreaks � Does not elevate nitrate levels � Is not removed by protein skimming
HyperCoral GC is ideal for nano-reefs and smaller tanks without protein skimming. Larger tanks with skimmers retain effective organic waste removal. In either situation, corals fed with HyperCoral GC grow faster and look more vibrant. HyperCoral GC contains no preservatives. Our concentrated formulation delivers pure nutrition that mimics conditions found on natural coral reefs. Our proprietary packaging process ensures fresh, full potency product with a long shelf life.
Dosage: For the first two weeks, feed 1/4 teaspoon (1.25 mL) per 50 gallons every other day. Subsequently, feed 1/4 teaspoon per 30 gallons of aquarium water every other day.